Status Quo—Thursday, 12:15 pm

As stated earlier, no major procedures are planned for today, as Robert rests and gains strength. The medical staff is primarily monitoring his condition and making adjustments as necessary. Intracranial pressure is better, but some signs of pneumonia are beginning to develop. This is not at all unexpected, and will be treated. The doctor pointed out that fluctuations are common, and we shouldn't read too much into a higher or lower reading at any given time.

The tracheostomy is currently planned for tomorrow, and hopefully Robert's large abdominal wound will be closed. Possibly his feeding tube will be transferred from going through his nose to a direct entry into his intestines.

Now here's an update on blood donations. The Miller-Keystone Blood Center, which supplies blood products for hospitals throughout the region, has been swamped with calls about donating in Robert's name! As a result, they would like to set up a blood drive specifically addressing this interest. We posted links to the blood center, but
if you can wait a few days, we will hopefully have a drive arranged soon. At any rate, you would not be donating directly to Robert, so your blood type doesn't matter. Just get a card stating that you are donating in Robert Miller's name. We'll collect those, and possibly they can help with insurance reimbursement. The main thing, though, is replenishing the region's blood supply. Stay posted!

1 comment:

  1. blood drive is set up at Exeter Bible Church in Birdsboro on Saturday August 8th from 9am to 4pm. call 610-779-9359 for appointment.
